Michael Jackson TUBE4MJ


Michael Jackson Humanitarian

Michael Jackson was one of the greatest Humanitarian' s of this past century.

If you know of an act of kindness from Michael please Contact me and I will add it here.


Everland Haiti Preschool

Everland Preschool is a desperately needed learning facility for children living in the Haitian village of Nod Dorcillien. Many such children are without any means of day care or educational provision. This preschool will provide much needed day time education to 75-100 children between the ages of 3-5 inclusive, at any given time. Older children will depart for the regular primary school, also in the locality.

Staff salaries (teacher, maid, cook, overseers Mr and Mrs Pastor Paul), building maintenance and school fees all have to be figured into ongoing needs. Parents and guardians that can afford to pay a sum towards the children’s day time education at the preschool will do so. For poorer families, the money made from the resident bakery together with sponsorship monies – should a child be sponsored – will make up any difference. Everland Preschool will not only facilitate in educating the children in the village, but it will be committed to educating as many children as possible, regardless of means or ability. All children using the centre will also receive breakfast.
To read more and DONATE please visit: http://www.michaeljacksonslegacy.org/index.php/projects/mjl-children-s-world-haiti

Michael Jackson The Untold Humanitarian Work 1/2

Michael Jackson The Untold Humanitarian Work 2/2

Michael Jackson is a true Humanitarian, an example to us all. He has devoted much time and money to a wide range of charities. He loves children and takes time out when touring secretly visiting sick children. He also has special rooms at his home Neverland for sick and terminally ill children to stay over. He was listed in the 2000 edition of the Guiness Book Of World Records for breaking the world record for the "Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star". It states that Michael Jackson has supported 39 charity organizations either with monetary donations through sponsorships of their projects or by participating in their silent auction.

Michael Jackson Saved My Grandma

Chris Cаntore shares an amazing story about Michael Jackson helping his grandmother on a plane in December 1997.


Global MJ Shop Now Open


world vitiligo daySPREADING AWARENESS
I support June 25
as Vitiligo World Day and save millions of people worldwide from social isolation and persecution. Please sign the Petition